
Affichage des articles du 2022

#PPV : Pulvériser le plafond de verre.

Je vous ai déjà parlé de ce contact très prometteur. J'exprime à cette personne ma gratitude pour nous avoir soutenu depuis l'arrivée du covid-19 et assurer des missions de e-coaching tout à fait salutaires. Merci à toi Ange gardien de la raison.

M*enfin ! Is it the best way to celebrate St Valentine day by bringing hundred of thousand of soldiers out of their home ? So! how comes that it is so urgent without any national assembly agreement to deploy a massive contingent both side?

The Huttington doctrine of International relations used to advice us to keep out of violence potential ecaladation by large space actors of I. R. We appreciate the support of our allied but we have to keep in mind the weather conditions! O degree this morning in Brussels! Even a cat would not be that brave, specially on St Valentin day.