My opinion on events from the 24.11. at the Champs Elysees: Without any written police authorization, no one has a right to occupy the public domain. In the absence of authorization, anyone is entitled to claim the right of free access to the public domain urging public authorities recover control of the violated space and to restore the free movement of citizens on the place. About the fact that Mrs. Marine Le Pen would have called the "yellow waistcoats" to stroll around the Champs Elysées, I would be the first surprise that she invited to do it without any police allowance. From there: The demonstrators are not entitled either to ask for the respect of non-existing civil liberties nor the intervention of police forces rather than other security forces having a completely different mission thus having a different strategy. To empty the public domain from 10 000 demonstrators is very different from controlling a peaceful demonstration taking place at a schedu...
Affichage des articles associés au libellé #demonstration 2018.11.24 Paris France